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Days of action, like the volunteer day, give an oppurtunity to explore exciting projects

Civic Commitment in Heidelberg

You want to be a volunteer? 
On this website, you can find the most important points of contact and a broad range of possibilities for you to get involved. 
The Coordination Office for Civic Commitment (Koordinierungsstelle Bürgerengagement) which belongs to the Mayor’s Office, and the volunteer agency FreiwilligenAgentur Heidelberg will assist you in finding the right project.
Moreover, information about main contacts in special fields of interest for civic commitment or opportunities for qualification is provided. 
Days of action like Heidelberg’s fair for civic commitment (EngagementMesse) or the volunteer day (Freiwilligentag) give you the opportunity to explore exciting projects and different ways to be involved in your community.

Here you can find the main points of contact for civic commitment

Heidelberg: Committed City (Engagierte Stadt)

Supporting civic commitment and fostering the interaction of many actors on the ground - that's what the "Committed City (Engagierte Stadt)" program stands for. Like all other cities joining the program, Heidelberg aims to continuously improve the conditions for civic commitment and to shed a light on the various people and projects involved.
Heidelberg has been part of the network program of committed cities in Germany since May 2021. The network offers ideal framework conditions for civic commitment and participation and is constantly trying to reach out and further develop. 
Heidelbergs civic commitment is build on strong pillars:
The volunteer agency FreiwilligenAgentur Heidelberg, the Stadtjugendring Heidelberg e.V. (Roof Association of Heidelberg Youth Associations), the Sportkreis Heidelberg e.V. (Roof organisation of the Heidelberg sports clubs) and the Coordination Office for Civic Commitment in the Mayor´s Office of the City of Heidelberg joined forces to promote and expand civic commitment.